At Thoughtware our mission is simple: we think for you.

We create, innovate and deliver complex solutions that integrate seamlessly with your core business systems. Creating and revolutionizing experiences using the latest technology which drives our success with your clients. To meet business needs, leaders must align with an application development services partner that possesses a proven track record, a quality approach to delivering consistent results and the expertise required to drive successful outcomes.

We believe in using the latest innovative technology trends, such as Microsoft® DotNet, mobile applications and other technologies such as ASPX, Mainframe, Xamarin, Android and iOS to build dynamic applications.

Cross Platform Development

We develop cross platform applications that can run and be published on various operating systems. We build using Xamarin technology, which allows us to build applications we can publish on different application stores such as the Google Play Store and the Apple Store.

Specific changes can be requested by clients as we can customize responsively for all types of devices including desktop and mobile. This approach can save an incredible amount of time and money and really benefit the client.

API Integration

An API Integration (Application Program Interface), provides functionality between the client’s application and our application. This means it can connect the data flow seamlessly between your applications.

We can customize your API to ensure it fits with your business requirements. The software components are specified to improve customer business relations, and to build a strong client relationship foundation. The API extracts relevant information from the product planning and cost estimation to provide accurate business decisions.

Content Management Systems

The CMS (Content Management Systems), is a self-managed system which is custom-built in order to create and manage the digital content by editing and publishing.

This means the information on the system can be published and edited by the clients, and it is a managed suite for websites. The great benefit of this is that the client can alter the information without having any hassles, enabling a user-friendly experience.

Legacy Systems Modernization

This is also known as “Systems of Record”. The legacy and software modernization can be referred to as the rewriting or migrating of an existing application to a modern computer programming language with new functionalities.

The goal aims to retain and extend the value of the previous software to a new platform. Improved productivity is one of the benefits of using the modernization on multiple devices.

Application Migration

Application Migration is the migration of software application or its services to a new platform. The application migration can enhance the system’s performance of the device, by improving functionality and making it faster. As part of the application migration service we can provide the technical support.

EAI/ EDI/ B2B Services

Enterprise Application Integration (EAI), is the use of technologies to enable the flow of information between different applications. The process can help communication between the information system of the company, even those of clients, partners, or suppliers.

The Enterprise Data Interchange (EDI), can enable companies to transform into a paperless business by sending data electronically, replacing the use of documents.

Business-to-Business (B2B) is the exchange of products and services between businesses, rather than between businesses and consumers. We have developed applications which clients can use to speed up the business cycle by keeping track of stock and project management handling.


Our Philosophy is simple: we create at our own risk, and our clients pay us when we deliver. This unique approach has allowed us to build a steadfast and long-lasting relationship with our clients. Allowing them to focus on what they do best, while we work on delivery of complex Solutions.


Our unique agile approach is focused on rapid, evolutionary and periodic delivery of testing on all levels of business requirements. This approach allows for immediate feedback to ensure the process continually delivers business value.


Software Applications

At Thoughtware we understand that your business is unique and therefore we create software that meets your exact business needs and that is adaptable to your ever-changing requirements. Our experienced team has the knowledge and expertise to solve complex integration challenges and when we deliver we understand the importance of flexible, scalable applications, which allow our clients to modify as and when they want.

Mobile Applications

Mobile applications and mobile web sites are quickly becoming larger portions of every company’s digital media plan. With more and more smart phones purchased every day, making sure you have a quality presence on a mobile device is not only incredibly important but becoming essential to a successful marketing campaign. Thoughtware can develop a wide variety of Mobile web sites as well as custom Mobile Applications for any device or platform.

Applications & Middleware Services

A third-party IT services provider can manage and implement enterprise solutions, allowing internal IT organizations to focus on high-priority and strategic initiatives. Thoughtware’s Enterprise Applications and Middleware Services provide extensive experience and expertise across Oracle and Microsoft products. We deliver custom enterprise solutions that enhance business.

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